The journey to self-discovery

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The journey to self-discovery

Travelling has always been a fascinating, truly breath-taking experience. In all honesty, there is nothing more liberating and educating as a travel experience into a new world. It often goes beyond your expectations, with a frivolous explosion of emotions and the sheer prodigious anxiety of the trip ahead, nothing quite compares to the open road.

We are often best described and understood by our present environment. Our environment almost always shapes us into the person we are today, and sadly we are usually a culmination of past experiences and old environments. Research has shown that ambition, will, sexuality, attitude, and every facet of the individual is often triggered or changed by external environments, which leads us to believe that sometimes in order to find yourself you have to change your environment. It is simply a fact that in order to be an individual you need to break away from the collective. At times moments of peace in a long drive to work or a weekend daytrip will give clarity to a specific situation but what happens if you want to make a life changing decision? The answer is simple… you need the solo journey.

There are some events that other people cannot take part in, and places where you cannot take a loved one, close friend or even a soulmate. This journey is always something you have to do for yourself and by yourself. This is the journey that allows you to come back and be the best version of yourself without the influence of other people. It is the journey of clarity and singularity that everyone should have at least once in a lifetime.

In Africa every nation has its own virtues, Kenya as an example is known for its hospitality and love, Nigeria is known for being industrious and enterprising. Internationally Brazil is the city of the samba, with happy people, dancers and street footballers. What if I could unlock my propensity for business, hospitality, and happy living by visiting these places and sharing in the experiences that make them special? What if I could find what has always been missing by meeting people with a different outlook on life? Can I tell you a secret? Life, love, happiness and everything that people think and feel is contagious. On some of my worst days I have met people that simply changed my day because their joy was contagious. Was it worth it? Absolutely!

The next time you reach a crossroad, a milestone or a pivotal point of life worth serious consideration, visit a new country, learn a new language, eat different food, and share opinions with strangers. Maybe it is time you left the usual crowd and hung out with a different one, and just maybe you may never be the same again.
Beverley Oosthuizen
Beverley Oosthuizen
Beverley Oosthuizen is a Travel Advisor. She is the owner of Flexi Trip. Beverley offers her passion for travel with many years’ experience in the industry, specialising in - and dedicated to providing in all aspects of corporate and leisure travel.

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